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Paula: Everybody gets out of bed because the doctor gets to get out of bed to watch TV. They get out of bed to make a difference, to be that game changer serve. they want to feel amazing, they want to feel fulfilled. But yet most employees are trained to get out of bed to fill a nine to five slot. So don’t matter if you’re on Facebook, don’t matter if it’s on LinkedIn. It’s between nine and five. Right? I’ve got to fill my time. Whereas if we flip it and go, Right, I tell you what, do your daily target today, and as soon as you finish, get yourself off home. If you finish at 01:00, get yourself off my bank the time. If you finish by 10:00, get yourself a phone. and teach these employees to be sharper, not to fill the time, but to actually how do I actually do my job in a high quality return? Hit my targets, let the business grow, and then by going, take a rest day, just like a footballer would do, if that makes sense.
Dave: Absolutely. But I think that’s a lovely way of putting it, actually. And it’s just, reflecting on that just now, if we can inspire people, particularly post COVID and what have you, or post lockdown, I should say. But in terms of, performance, if we can excel in a shorter period of time, then the employees of the team are allowed to take time off. That’s just such a wonderful way to help them go and spend more time with their family, but cram in as much work as possible that can optimize the performance of a company.
Paula: Yeah, it’s an operating they’re like, you know, like, I see this 95 or fill the 95 strategy and they don’t hit the targets. And I go, Why are you here, then? How do you feel if you don’t hit the targets? Where’s your fulfillment? Where do you feel special? And they go, we don’t. We just come here and do the job, paul and then they go and I’ll go, okay, and how would you feel if we did it the other way, where you felt brilliant, you felt fulfilled and you learned, I’ll take your daily target in the shortest piece of time, just like an athlete would do. So you same bolt has trained his body to hit that 100 meters target in the quickest time possible. Turn them much of the money as possible. And I’m thinking everybody is an athlete, whether you’re a business, whether you’re an employee, whether you are a footballer, everyone’s an athlete. So why are we not training our, body to return or be stronger or be sharper to return these returns for whatever business or your family or your friends, and play this level of fairly messing about and fannying about getting straight to the point.
Get in touch with Paula at The Influential Minds Website or on Linkedin
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Harlan: There are a lot of places that I’ve, I’ve worked that the culture was toxic. And and mainly because you had people set up, to where they were competing, or they felt they were competing against their colleagues, competing for raises, competing for recognition, whatever it happened to be. Those people, they keep knowledge to themselves. They don’t share, they don’t help. If they see somebody struggling, you know, they they point the finger at them. Look, they’re struggling, but I’m not. So they can keep that spotlight on them. That’s very toxic. I work for one company that was the exact opposite. We had people it was a big project, big software implementation project. And when somebody got done with their work, they went around all the cubicles, knocking on the cubicles, asking, what can I do to help you? How can I help? And they would do almost anything right to try to get things done, because that was the way that their company was set up, is that we live or die as a team. We survive, we grow, we thrive as a team. And so everything was focused on teamwork. And if somebody was struggling and you didn’t at least offer to help, you had a conversation, right? You took a little walk outside the building, to have a conversation about that, because that was what was so important. And that’s what I try to get in with my clients, is that you want to try to build a team that isn’t out for individual recognition. They’re trying to do whatever it is they can to make the company as successful as possible. Because if the company grows, everybody grows, everybody benefits, right? So with the business leaders, the business owners, I try to teach them, take care of your employees. If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of your customers, your customers will take care of your business, and your business will ultimately take care of you. And that’s really what you want to do, is try to get that thriving kind of, culture going in your business.
Dave: Wise words. Just fantastic, actually. I really appreciate that and a couple of things going on in here. So if a business owner comes to you and you go in and you spot some deficiencies in culture. What would be the first area that you might work on? So if you take a, company through a process, until I’m using the consultative language here, but taking a company through a process of changing culture. What would be the kind of ABC of success that you would take people through?
Harlan: What I try to do is start with, the core values, right? Everybody has, a, set of core values. Whether you acknowledge it or not, every decision you make is based on your personal core values. Well, same thing in business. You set up the core values of the business. What are we in business for? What are we trying to accomplish? Why are we doing what we do? I help the company set up their core values and then teach everybody in the company, these are our core values. So every decision the employees make are based on those core values. If they aren’t making them on the core values, who knows what they’re using as their foundation, right, for their decisions? one client that I’m working with, Michael we’re doing that. We put his core values in place slowly teaching everybody. At every Monday morning meeting, they go through the core values again to let people know, this is exactly what this means to us.
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Heenle: To answer your question, first and foremost, it’s so important to understand what a five star employee is. And that goes with in all facets because you’re never going to find a five star employee if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So our general theme around five star employees is that five star employees crave that transparency, they crave results, they crave accountability. So five star employee, um, meets all five stars of the five star criteria. First, the five star employees core values align with that of the business owners. Five star employees score seven or higher on the eleven universal qualities of five star employees. So the eleven universal qualities of five star employees is kind of that same DNA that runs through all five star employees. Things like they listen, they’re limber, and they produce quantifiable results for you. And there’s eleven different, qualities in total.
Dave: On that point, Heele just, ah, sorry to interject here, but ah, it’s a spreadsheet exercise, isn’t it? The person is yes or no or a number, or thereby it’s not, oh, this person might be a good person sometime in 2004 or whatever. It’s yes or no, isn’t it?
Heenle: It is, yeah. So we always look for, in our process, we’re looking for an objective application of the five star rating system, um, against your employees as well as applicants who are coming into your pipeline. So you run through the eleven qualities exercise and identify first with your existing employees. Well, does this person have this quality or do they not? So with your existing team, for instance, you can do the Quick M Litmus test, right? You can tell yourself, well, does this person listen? Does this person produce results for me? Does this person have, uh, the skill set, which is that third star, um, for the role. So, um, a very process based system to evaluate your five star employees and five star candidates.
Dave: Outstanding. So that’s two of the stars there, is that correct?
Heenle: Correct. Yeah. So you’ve got first is the core values. The second is they have to score a seven or higher on the eleven universal qualities of a five star employee. The third is that they have to meet or exceed your scorecard and expectations for the role specific aptitude and skills. So a big difference between saying it and actually doing it is what a skill is and aptitudes. Right. Every role has a different set of requirements in terms of what that person needs to bring to the table. So, um, it’s your responsibility as, uh, the business owner to understand what those aptitudes might be and what, um, your minimum expectations are for that. So we guide our clients through this step by step process to customize this five star rating system for their organization and the role, and then they’re ready to go to make that assessment, um, in their recruitment process.
Get in touch with Heenle to find out more on [email protected]
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It’s the culture in a company that provides fertile ground for people to grow and develop into amazing colleagues. One of the biggest challenges to building wealth in a company is the lack of talent in the sector. In fact, since COVID hit, and especially in 2022, I kept hearing phrases like, there’s no talent left in our industry. It seemed to be a common complaint across the globe in multiple sectors when I was speaking to people. So in the summer of 2022, I conducted a quiz to uncover the biggest challenges that owners of companies in the construction sector were experiencing. Because that’s the sector I specialize in. Now. There were five core, uh, challenges that appeared. One, no roadmap for strategic growth. Two, they had poor sales processes. Three, unreliable cash flow. Four, difficulty in hiring amazing employees, and five, lack of work life balance. In fact, uh, 2022 left most business owners highly stressed out and in need of time off at Christmas. It was horrible. Some of the things I was hearing, really, really horrible. For both the individuals I was speaking to and the families, it was just awful. The quiz highlighted that 39% of people who owned a company had huge difficulty in finding, hiring, and then retaining amazing people. Now, with work life balance coming next at 27%, and the remaining three sitting roughly level with each other, it, uh, really was apparent that I wanted to focus on the aspect of hiring amazing people. Okay, so discussing this with business owners in other industry sectors, talent acquisition was also their own major challenge. So it wasn’t just construction alone. It was across multiple, multiple sectors. So our intention with this podcast series to unpack why this is the case and invite experts and guests on the show who really know how to hire amazing talent, how to retain them, and how to build culture that creates a fertile environment for them to grow and thrive. Because ultimately, when it comes down to it, the longer we can have employees working with us, and the more experienced they are, the better our business can perform. Because when we hire five star employees well, put it another way, if we don’t hire five star employees, if we’ve just got poor quality employees in the business, the business doesn’t perform as well as it possibly can. There’s no way we can grow and scale that company unless it’s some form of slick, automated sales machine. So that is really what we’re looking to do in this podcast series. It’s really just to help you to uncover how to hire, retain, and build culture in your company.
Link to Michel Falcon’s Book:
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